Pau Gasol: 我還沒有關於退役的想法

時間不等人,明年7月,馬刺中鋒Pau Gasol就年滿38歲,這也意味著他已經進入生涯暮年,需要考慮退役的事情了。
不過即便已經征戰了17個NBA賽季,進入過多次全明星、拿到了兩個總冠軍,Pau Gasol仍然未有退役的想法。而事實上,在聖誕節前馬刺擊敗國王的比賽中,Pau Gasol攻下14分,10助攻,11籃板,收獲生涯第10個三雙。

"現在我肯定沒有任何關於退役的想法,我剛剛簽了一份三年的合同,第一年還在打,之後還有兩年,我的想法是我想要盡可能打得更久一些。"Pau Gasol接受訪問時表示。
引用“I’m definitely not thinking about hanging anything up at this point. I just signed a three-year deal. This one and two more and in my mind I want to go at this as long as I can and as well as I can," said Gasol.
引用Said Gasol, “The past two years I’ve been pretty good. Remarkable even. I just like to bring the same attitude and same intensity and same focus and build on it."
賽季至今,Pau Gasol場均可以得到10.6分、8籃板、3.2助攻、1.2封阻。雖然平均得分是生涯新低。但是他仍然證明了自已是馬刺可以在西部走得更遠的重要籌碼之一。
引用"At some point, we all have to move on, but I’m not nearly considering. There are some days when I feel like I’m getting older, but for the most part; I’m blessed,” said Gasol.

