鬥毆兄弟和解成球隊催化劑 Mirotic: 我和Portis處理得很好

而不得不提的是,這一切的轉捩點都是因為Nikola Mirotic的復出。夏天他和Bobby Portis的鬥毆事件引發了不少風波,甚至有消息指出Mirotic希望球隊可以把他交易掉,因為他已經不想再與Bobby Portis待在同一個球隊。
不過Nikola Mirotic最後還是選擇了跟Bobby Portis和解,冰釋前嫌。西班牙前鋒最近接受了ESPN的訪問,他認為他和Portis的和解成為了球隊繼續前進的催化劑: "我想這很重要,這真的很重要因為人們不知道我們之後會怎麼樣相處。明顯地,那對於我們來說是非常艱難的時刻,特別是我。不過我認為我們處理地很不錯,我們都嘗試著保持專業。"

引用"I think it was huge," Mirotic told ESPN. "I think it was huge because people didn't know how we were going to act because it was a tough moment obviously for all of us, especially for me. But I think [up to now] we've handled it well. We've tried to be professional.
Nikola Mirotic繼續說:"這對於其他人來說也很重要,因為我們倆嘗試著去聯繫在一起。而且可以回到球場上,對於我和隊友來說都很棒。現在我們期待著Zach復出,我們可以再次去競爭,我認為我們目前的狀態很好。"
引用"That was really important for the guys because we kind of tried to stick together. And being back was a great [thing] for me, for my teammates. Right now we are all looking forward for Zach [LaVine] to be back, and we could be complete again. I think we're going to be in really good shape."
球隊主控Kris Dunn也充份肯定了兩個人的做法: "他們解決了事情,而且把正面和積極性帶到球隊裡,他們各自都打得很棒,他們正在打出難以置信的比賽。這對球隊來說是特別的,我們很驕傲他們能回到球隊裡。"
引用"They hashed it out," Dunn said. "They brought that positivity back into the team. They're playing well off each other. They're playing unbelievable basketball. ... It's special for the team to see. We're proud to have them both back."

(source: http://www.givemesport.com/1224524-nikola-mirotic-explains-how-making-amends-with-bobby-portis-has-sparked-the-bulls-resurgence?autoplay=on)
