末節坐板凳? 土耳其中鋒: 我不知道為什麼

有留意紐約人比賽的球迷應該可以發現,Enes Kanter最近在第四節一直被按在板凳上。今天紐約人主場119:122不敵公牛的比賽中,Enes Kanter全場出戰32分鐘,10投6中,貢獻15分、7籃板。他在第四節7分多鐘時被替換上場,不過打了大概4分鐘後就被Kyle O’Quinn換下。末節的決勝時刻以及兩次加時,Enes Kanter都坐在板凳上。紐約郵報指出,這已經是Enes Kanter連續五場比賽在第四節或者膠著時刻坐冷板凳。值得一提的是,上週末紐約人客場加時103:107不敵熱火的比賽中,Enes Kanter更是在板凳席上枯坐了整個第四節和加時。

不過Kyle O’Quinn的防守更出色,Jeff Hornacek也更願意在第四節信任他,讓他與Kristaps Porzingis和Michael Beasley搭檔。
“我不懂為什麼,他有說了什麼?我不知道為什麼,我猜這有些奇怪,我不知道,我看著教練,他看著我,好吧?我就坐在板凳席上。“Enes Kanter接受訪問時表示。
引用“I don’t know why,’’ Kanter said. “What’d he say? I have no idea why. I guess it’s a little weird. I have no idea. I look at the coach. He looks at me. OK? I’ll sit on the bench.’’
“他沒有(和我說這件事),"Enes Kanter繼續訴苦:"我準備好(打第四節)了,這對我來說有些奇怪。我猜他是嘗試著讓每個人感到開心,這就是他在做的事情。最重要的事情是我們是贏球還是輸球。如果我們在贏球,那麼我們很好。但是如果我們在輸球,這就是一個問題。"
引用“He did not [talk to me],’’ Kanter said. “I’m ready [to play in the fourth]. It’s a little weird to me too. I guess he’s trying to make everybody happy. That’s what he’s doing. The most important thing is if we’re winning or not. If we’re winning we’re good. If we’re losing, there’s a problem.”
Jeff Hornacek也針對這件事情做出了回應: "“KO(Kyle O’Quinn)上場比賽打得怎麼樣?我們的球員有不同的技術特點,KO能傳球,封阻能力比Enes好。Enes是那種能進入低位攻擊,和搶到進攻籃板的球員。"
引用“How did KO do the last game?’’ Hornacek said when asked why Kanter is sitting. “We have guys who have different skill sets. KO is passing, [his] shot-blocking ability is different than Enes. Enes is a guy to get in the low post and jam it in through guys and get an offensive rebounds
“有時候你會想,好吧,KP在得分,我們需要更多防守。如果我們在進攻端陷入掙扎,Enes就是上場的人選。但是在對陣一些球隊時,也許我們會使用大個陣容來應對。“Jeff Hornacek總結。

引用“Sometimes you say, OK, KP is scoring. We need more defense. If we’re struggling scoring, maybe it’s Enes. But maybe we’ll start going big instead of small against some of these teams.’’

(source: https://nypost.com/2018/01/10/enes-kanter-baffled-at-knicks-weird-use-of-him/)
