[且行且珍惜] Dirk Nowitzki: 願意和球隊一起走過艱難的時間 推動球隊完成重建

獨行俠今天在客場以115:111擊敗黃蜂,Dirk Nowitzki延續自已近期出色的狀態,全場出戰23分鐘,16投8中,拿下19分、2籃板。
獨行俠教練Rick Carlisle賽後表示: “Dirk真的是我見過或相處過最神奇的運動員之一。39歲還能在NBA裡打出這樣的表現,確實讓人難以置信。他做了很多的努力。“

引用"Dirk's really one of the most amazing athletes I've ever seen or been around," Carlisle said. "To perform like this at the advanced age of 39 in the NBA is just unbelievable. But he's always put the work in."
不過Rick Carlisle隨後也有所感嘆: “你永遠不知道,這或者會他最後一次在夏洛特打比賽,我們希望不是,我絕對希望不是,可以看他在場上打球真的太棒了。”
引用Then he added: "You never know, this may be his last time in Charlotte. We hope not. I certainly hope not. But it's great to watch him."

Rick Carlisle這番話被夏洛特當地記者紀錄下來,並在之後對Dirk Nowitzki採訪時問了他的意向。Dirk在賽季早些時侯表示他會完成目前簽下的兩年合約,換言之至少2018/19賽季我們還能看到他打球。他現在的想法沒有改變太多: “我目前真的不希望去想得太遠,我想要強勢地結束這個賽季。我出戰這賽季的每一場比賽,這是一個奇蹟。我希望在全明星周末之前可以保持現狀。"


引用"I don't really want to get too far ahead of myself," he said. "I want to finish this season strong. I've played every game, which is a miracle. Hopefully I can keep that up until the All-Star break. We'll re-evaluate after the season. But I's love to stick around (to get through) the tougher times. We've been used to winning for, I don't know, 15 years. Now we're in a tougher spot. I want to be there and push the franchise through."

(source: https://sportsday.dallasnews.com/dallas-mavericks/mavericks/2018/01/10/dirk-nowitzki-keeps-defying-father-time-says-getting-rough-stretch-still-priority)
