[最佳教練] Gregg Popovich證實LaMarcus Aldridge夏天要求被交易 Popo一番話把他留了下來

馬刺大前鋒LaMarcus Aldridge去年打得不太順心,休賽期期間也有不少關於他的交易傳聞。昨天馬刺教練Gregg Popovich接受訪問時表示,LaMarcus Aldridge確實在夏天要求過被交易。
Popovich告訴記者: “他說我想要被交易。我說:'哇,之前從來沒有人和我說過這樣的話。'他說:'我不享受這些了,我沒有自信了,我也不確定你想不想要我在這裡,我想要被交易。'"
引用He said, ‘I want to be traded,’” Popovich told reporters. “And I said, ‘Whoa, nobody has ever said that to me before.’ He said, ‘I’m not enjoying this. I’m not confident. I’m not sure you want me here. I want to be traded.’”
不過Gregg Popovich還是把LA留了下來: “我很坦白,我告訴他,我很樂意把他交易走,我說:'要是能用你換來一個有Kevin Durant那種天賦的球員,我會親自開車送你去機場,我會親自幫你打包好行李,我會親自送你過去。他笑了,我說:'不然的話,我是你最好的兄弟,你會在這裡再留一年,你哪兒也不會去。因為你的天賦,我們很難再去交易到我們想要的,所以一起來解決這件事情吧。'而我們也做到了。”

引用“I was very candid with him,” Popovich said. “I told him I would be happy to trade him. ‘You get me a talent like Kevin Durant, and I will drive you to the airport. I will pack your bags, and I will drive you there,’ and he laughed. And I said, ‘Short of that, I’m your best buddy, and you are here for another year, and you ain’t going nowhere because for you talent-wise, we are not going to get what we want, so let’s figure this thing out.' And we did.”

而最後,LaMarcus Aldridge在夏天和馬刺達成了一份3年7200萬的合約。Gregg Popovich也承認,去年他對LaMarcus Aldridge過份嚴格,讓馬刺大前鋒遠離了自已的舒適區。現在Popo允許Aldridge打得更像波特蘭時期的那個他,這也讓Aldridge本賽季的效率大為提升。

(source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/2018/01/12/spurs-coach-gregg-popovich-lamarcus-aldridge-requested-trade-out-san-antonio/1027851001/)
