2019年在魔術退役? 波蘭鐵錘: 除非巫師交易我

華盛頓巫師中鋒Marcin Gortat今天曝光了他的退役意向。這位波蘭高塔的合同將在2018/2019賽季後到期,而這也可能是他生涯最後一個賽季。
而他在接受奧蘭多當地媒體Orlando Sentinel的訪問時表示,他很願意在魔術退役: "“我很樂意加盟球隊(魔術)2-3個月,或者可能半個賽季,”

引用“I would love to join the team for maybe two or three months, or maybe half a season at least,”
“我會成為一個老將,所以我不知道魔術會否對我感興趣。但我願意再次回到這支球隊,再穿一下那件球衣,那件白藍條紋球衣。然後說我又成為一名魔術球員了,我也回到了我所屬的地方。那對我而言絕對是夢想成真。無論球隊要我做甚麼,出場打球、讓進入輪換或者純粹當替補球員,我都沒有問題。“Marcin Gortat表示。
引用“I’m going to be a old guy, so I don’t know if Orlando would be interested or not. But I would love to join the team back again just to wear the uniform, put the white and blue stripes again on me and be able to say I’m a Magic again and just come back home where I belong. That would definitely be a dream come true to do that for me. Whatever the team wants to do — play me, just be in the rotation or just be a bench player — I would definitely be there for the team.”
Marcin Gortat生涯前三年都在魔術效力,2009年隨隊進入總決賽。他不只一次提過,前魔術主帥Stan Van Gundy和前魔術首席助教Brendan Malone是他職業生涯的啟蒙者。

不過事實上,1984年2月出生的Marcin Gortat甚至還沒有34歲,現在考慮退役太早了。
引用“This is a very difficult question,” Gortat answered. “The way NBA politics goes right now, I’m afraid that next year might be my last year. This is how I feel right now. Obviously, we’re going to have a summer, then another year of basketball and then I’m going to think about it. But the way I feel right now, it’s like next year might be my last year of my career.”
引用“I’m not saying 100 percent. I would say ‘probably.’ The way everything goes, the way the NBA goes right now and everything that’s going on, I just don’t feel like I’m going to stay in this league for much longer.”

針對Marcin Gortat的話,巫師教練Scott Brooks認為: "他現在還沒34歲,所以他還可以打球。 我不認為他現在該考慮退休。"當然也有媒體和球迷過份解讀,認為Marcin Gortat是否認定自已一定會離開巫師。
引用I think he’s not even 34 yet,” Wizards coach Scott Brooks said. “So there’s still some basketball [left in him]. I don’t think he should be thinking about retirement yet.”
而今天巫師擊敗魔術的比賽結束後,Marcin Gortat也澄清了他的言論: "我想在華盛頓打球,我想在這一年半後結束職業生涯並不代表我不想在華盛頓打球,大家想得太多了。"

"I want to play in Washington," he said. "Just because I want to finish my career in a year-and-a-half doesn't mean I don't want to play in Washington. I think everything today was blown away a little too much.

"Unless the team wants to trade me, at this point in my life and my career I feel good here playing with John [Wall] and Brad [Beal]," he said. "I have a year-and-a-half. I want to make a run with this team to the Finals and give 110 percent to the team. After that, I already hit the 10 years mark and have a full pension and I will be done.""

(source: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/orlando-magic/os-sp-orlando-magic-notebook-0113-story,amp.html?__twitter_impression=true

