Nerlens Noel或下月復出 Seth Curry歸期未定

獨行俠最近受到了一定的傷情困擾, J.J. Barea缺席了和金塊的比賽。不過Barea表示,他應該只會缺陣一場比賽:"傷病在過去的幾場比賽開始困擾我,我也不想在場上打球時還牽掛著腹股溝,“Barea表示,”這不嚴重,但是我不喜歡我在移動時的感覺,我希望下場(星期六對拓荒者)比賽可以上場。“
引用"It started bothering me the last couple games and I don't want to be on the court thinking about my groin," he said. "It's not bad, but I didn't feel like I was moving the way I need to. I'm hoping for (Saturday in Portland)."
J.J. Barea傷情不嚴重,不過獨行俠傷病名單上還有Seth Curry、Nerlens Noel和Dorian Finney-Smith。主帥Rick Carlisle希望這幾位球員可以在下個月復出。其中接受了左手大拇指韌帶的手術,Seth Curry左腳有應力性反應,Dorian Finney-Smith則是膝蓋有傷需要傷出兩個月。
“他們所有人至少要二月才有可能復出,”Rick Carlisle表示,“那是指在一般情況下,但是我真的相信他們會在我們預計的時間點復出。然後有全明星的休息期期,那可以是復出的目標時間“。

引用"It'll be at least February, most likely, for all of them," Carlisle said. "That's a pretty general statement, but I really believe at this point that's what we're looking at. And then with the lengthy All-Star break, that could be kind of a target date for something, you know?
引用"Right now, Nerlens is on track to maybe be back on the floor before any of them. If all goes well, it's very possible he could be back playing in the first week of February, sometime. So we'll hope that's the case. He's doing well."

