Arron Afflalo: 與Nemanja Bjelica的衝突是一次不幸的意外

昨天魔術和木狼的賽事中出現衝突,魔術得分後衛Arron Afflalo和木狼大前鋒Nemanja Bjelica在籃板卡位時互相推撞。Arron Afflalo出拳幾乎擊中Nemanja Bjelica,最後兩人雙雙被逐。

Arron Afflalo今天接受訪問時表示: “這是一次不幸的意外,我們就只是自然地去競爭,一次個別的意外。我為我的隊友們感到驕傲。他們保持沉著。而這也讓他們打出了一場精彩的比賽。不管從那次沖突中引發了多少能量,昨晚是我們取得了勝利,還有一些表面性的衝突——對我來說那是衝突,對他們來說是表面性的衝突——那是件好事。”
引用“It’s an unfortunate incident, just competitive nature, an isolated incident,” Afflalo said Wednesday. “I’m very proud of my teammates. They stayed composed. Through all of that, they put up a great fight. Regardless of the energy that was sparked from that, us getting a win last night and showing some fight figuratively — for me literally but for them figuratively — was a great thing.”

Arron Afflalo也進一步表示,兩人在領到第一次技術犯規時的言語是在“一直都在NBA發生的事情"(happens all the time in the NBA.”)。
魔術分衛說: “沒有甚麼私人恩怨。我不認識他,但這樣的事情總是會在聯盟裡發生。只不很不幸這次的衝突最終這樣子結束。下一次我會嘗試更好地去處理問題。”
引用“It was nothing personal,” Afflalo added. “I don’t know him. But that happens all the time. It’s just unfortunate that it escalated to where it ended between us. I’ll try to handle it a little bit better next time.”


