Zach Lavine仍然在找手感 公牛主教練: 他會慢慢找到節奏

一年前Zach Lavine是聯盟最具爆發力的球員之一,更是最頂級的扣將。不過現在我們還需要耐心等待一段時間,讓Zach Lavine慢慢找回狀態。
今天公牛在客場以103:113不敵快艇,Zach Lavine首發出戰31分鐘,18投6中,貢獻21分、9籃板、4助攻。Lavine復出後的9場比賽,投籃命中率只有38.9%。這對於一向以投射能力精准而聞名的他而言明顯是不太合格。而這也充份反映出他仍然在尋找出手節奏。

公牛主教練Fred Hoiberg接受訪問時表示:“他仍然在尋找節奏,一些看上去不錯的投籃變成了一些高難度出手和被防守者干擾的中距離出手。”
引用"He's still trying to find his rhythm," Bulls coach Fred Hoiberg said in the video above. "I think he's turning some pretty darn good looks and turning them into tough shots and tough contested mid-range shots."
事實上,上場公牛108:124不敵拓荒者的比賽中,Zach Lavine打得不錯。他在22分鐘的時間內13投8中,交出23分、2助攻的數據。他需要只是找到以前投籃的感覺。

“他最近幾場比賽打得不差,展示他可以做到的事,” Fred Hoiberg表示,“現在他需要找到節奏和時機,要明白當我們找到好的出手機會時,他需要去出手。他可以在任何情況下出手投籃。他就是那些有能力這樣做的球員之一。"
引用"He's had stretches in the last few games where I think he's shown what he can do," Hoiberg said. "Now it's about getting his rhythm and timing and getting him to understand when we produce good shots he's got to raise up and shoot those. He can get a shot at any time he wants. He's just one of those special players who can do that."
Fred Hoiberg指出:“我們都要理解,他去年沒打太多比賽。所以他會慢慢找到那些感覺的。我不擔心他。”
引用"We all need to understand something," Hoiberg said. "He has not played a lot of basketball in the last year so he'll get it back. I have no concern about that."

