湖人總經理: 未到時候交易Luol Deng 會創造雙嬴局面

今年的交易截止日湖人是其中一支頗受注目的球隊,他們送走了Jordan Clarkson和Larry Nance Jr.,得到了 Channing Frye和Isaiah Thomas。可以肯定的是,湖人接下來的休賽期會有不錯的薪金空間來招募自由球員。
不過他們還是未能送走Luol Deng,這位小前鋒接下來兩賽季還有價值3600萬的合同在身。
今日湖人籃球營運總裁Magic Johnson和總經理Rob Pelinka接受訪問時被問到有關Luol Deng的交易事項,Magic Johnson笑了: "我們也希望(交易Luol Deng),但是沒有發生。"他更跟發問的記者開起了玩笑:"你要幫我們做交易嗎?"

“We wish, huh?” Johnson said, continuing to chuckle. “No, that didn’t happen.”To the reporter who asked, Johnson quipped, “You want to make a move for us?”

Magic Johnson表示: “我們想說一下Luol的情況。Rob Pelinka努力讓他在隊內保持開心樂觀。不過現在我們不會交易他,他明白也知道。”
引用“We want to say this about Luol,”Johnson said. “Rob has been working very well with him to try to get him to a place where he can be happy. But there’s not been a trade for him. He understands that and he knows that.”
“Luol很不可思議也很職業,他一直保持積極,”Rob Pelinka說道,“他理解球隊現在狀況,在某一個時間點我們會想出一個雙嬴的辦法來解決這個問題,但這個交易截止日未是時候。"
引用“Luol has been an unbelievable professional and has stayed very positive,” Pelinka said. “He understands the situation. At some point we’ll figure out a way to resolve that (in a manner) that’s a win for him and for us, but this trade deadline wasn’t the window for that to happen.”

Luol Deng2016年夏天和湖人簽下一份4年7200萬的合同,不過這顯然地是一筆雙輸的簽約。本賽季至今Luol Deng只出戰了一場比賽。

(source: https://www.pe.com/2018/02/08/lakers-magic-johnson-finds-notion-of-a-luol-deng-trade-hilarious/)
