不去白宮也不去國會山!? 勇士將自行在華盛頓組織活動 與當地孩子同樂

大家應該都還記得去年美國總統Donald Trump和勇士核心Stephen Curry的隔空交鋒。可以肯定的是,2017年NBA總冠軍勇士不會造訪白宮。不過賽程已經排好,當地時間2月28號,勇士會前往華盛頓迎戰巫師。
勇士主帥Steve Kerr表示: "這是他們的總冠軍,他們沒有獲到白宮之行的邀請,所以他們可以決定想要在華盛頓做什麼,因此他們制定好了計劃。我希望球員們度過美好的一天,做一些正面的事情並享受這一切。“
引用"It's their championship. They got disinvited to the White House, so it's up to them what they wanted to do. So they made their plans," Kerr told ESPN. "I want the players to have a good day and to do something positive and to enjoy what they're doing."
目前勇士考慮過幾個舉辦活動的地點選項,其中包括Kevin Durant位於馬里蘭州的家鄉Seat Pleasant。
美國國會眾議院民主黨領袖Nancy Pelosi和華盛頓市長Muriel Bowser都曾經邀請勇士前往國會山和華盛頓市進行參觀和慶祝。不過他們最終選擇拒絕政治,把時間留給孩子們。

Draymond Green指出: “由始至終都是我們在慶祝屬於我們的總冠軍,根本沒理由與政治扯上關係。這是我們取得的成功,為什麼要讓它和政治掛鈎呢?”
引用"At the end of the day, it's about us celebrating a championship, so there's no point in getting into the political stuff and all that," forward Draymond Green told ESPN. "It's about something we did great. Why make it about [politics]?"

(source: http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/22535866/with-no-trip-white-house-planned-golden-state-warriors-spend-part-dc-trip-local-kids)
