Charles Barkley: 馬刺是聯盟最棒的球隊 Kawhi Leonard應該留在這裡

早前ESPN記者Adrian Wojnarowski報導,馬刺小前鋒Kawhi Leonard再次回到紐約接受股四頭肌的恢復治療。雖然只是一則普通消息,但是許多傳媒依然將其無限放大。

mysa.com報導,名宿Charles Barkley今日在ESPN針對Kawhi Leonard發表了自已的見解,他認為這位全明星前鋒應該留在馬刺繼續他的職業生涯: "我對他目前的狀況感到難過。他是一名很棒很棒的球員,而馬刺也是整個聯盟最棒的球隊和組織。我不知道發生了什麼。我不知道甚麼是真、甚麼是假。"

"但我會告訴你,Kawhi Leonard 應該留在馬刺,因為去其他球隊不一定比在這裡更好。他可能會在其他球隊掙更多的錢或者獲得更高的聲望。但我可以告訴你,好球隊和壞球隊之間有很大的差別,而馬刺是一支非常好的球隊。”

引用"I just feel sadness with that situation," Barkley said. "He is a great, great player. The Spurs are the best organization in the NBA and I don't know what happened. I don't know what's true and what's not true. But I'll tell you this, Kawhi Leonard should stay with the Spurs because the grass is not always greener on the other side. He might make more money or get more reputation, but let me tell you something, there is a big difference in a good organization and a bad organization and the Spurs are awesome."
關於Kawhi Leonard的歸期仍然未有太多的消息,Express-News補充報導,Kawhi Leonard上星期是在馬刺醫療團隊的陪伴下前往紐約,而就Kawhi目前的情況,他們未有透露任何的消息。

