Shaq: Towns需要更多地在籃下要球進攻 吸引包夾製造機會

木狼在季後賽首輪G1以101:104憾負火箭,Karl-Anthony Towns發揮不佳,他全場出戰40分鐘,9投3中,貢獻8分、12籃板。這場比賽木狼本來有不錯的機會可以拿下,不過KAT疲軟的表現在一定的程度上拖累了球隊。
當然要考慮到這是Towns的季後賽首秀,緊張在所難免,在後面的比賽他需要作出調整。今日Shaquille O’Neal 在inside the NBA節目中提到木狼,他認為KAT應該更多的在籃下要球進攻:"我會告訴他的是,在每個進攻回合中跑到三秒區,然後站在那兒直至裁判連續兩次吹三秒違例。



“What I would tell him to do. Run to the middle of the floor every time and stand there until the refs call three seconds two times in a row.

“Not only will it get yourself in the game, the defense starts to panic, they’ll start to double- and triple-[team] a couple times early, and then you’ll kick it out to your shooters.

“I know he’s young, but he’s the man on the team. He still needs to demand the ball. When they switch and the little guy plays him, all the guards telling him to clear out. No, you don’t move. You tell him to give me the ball so he could score or create for other players.”

