曝木狼有意於下季留下Derrick Rose?!

當木狼在季中簽下Derrick Rose的時候,他們的粉絲有很多的疑問: 玫瑰還剩下幾多功力?他能為木狼帶來多少幫助?

季後賽期間Derrick Rose拿出非常穩定的表現,五場比賽場均14.2分,投籃命中率50.9%,是球隊在本輪系列賽表現比較穩定的球員之一。Rose的表現比預期中出色,而且他也證明了自己百分百屬於NBA。
nbcsports引述了The Athletic記者Jon Krawczynski的報導,指木狼有意在下季留下Derrick Rose: "毫無疑問他們有意將Rose帶回球隊。Thibs簽下他的時候肯定聽到外界很多的疑問。但是作為從板凳出發的雙能衛,Rose很好。他的打出很實在的防守,可以得分,也是一位很棒的隊友。

引用No question that they are interested in bringing Rose back. Thibs certainly heard plenty of questions when he first brought Rose in. But in that role as a combo guard off the bench, Rose was good. He played solid defense, scored well and was a great teammate.

The question will be can he stay healthy for a full season? His body just keeps betraying him, and he missed some time with a sprained ankle during his stint with the Wolves.
nbcsports方面則指出,木狼今季尚可以負擔Derrick Rose1年210萬的合同,超過這個價碼的話木狼勢必會重新考慮,不只是因為他們薪資上的問題,同時玫瑰的傷病史確實太過嚴重。除此之外,簽下Derrick Rose定會壓縮Tyus Jones的上陣時間,這也是他們不希望看到的情況。

(source: https://nba.nbcsports.com/2018/05/12/report-timberwolves-want-to-bring-back-derrick-rose/)
