Steve Kerr: 去年夏天Andre Iguodala整我 他騙我說他要去國王

很多人都知道,去年夏天Andre Iguodala幾乎離隊,他曾經一度接近加盟火箭,不過最後他還是選擇和勇士續約。
Steve Kerr最近接受了Lowe Post Podcast的採訪,談及去年Andre Iguodala的決定,他表示Iguodala把他狠狠的騙了: “典型Andre會做的事,他決定跟我和Bob Myers開個玩笑,他打了個會議電話給我們,告訴我們他要去國王了。"


引用"Typical Andre -- he decided to play a joke on Bob and me. He got us on a conference call, told us he was gonna go to Sacramento.

"We wished him well, and he's like, 'I got you suckers. I'm coming back' ... that's probably the first time it's ever been told. But now that we've won a title and we got it all in our rearview mirror, that story can be told."

所以Steve Kerr被Andre Iguodala告知他要去國王時有沒有傷心呢。“我當時難過了幾秒,然後他就讓我拋棄了傷心的情緒了,因為他開始爆笑.....離開現狀對他來說可能會很震撼吧。”
引用"I bought it for a few seconds but he gave it away quickly. He just started laughing .. it would have been shocking for him to leave this situation."

