Klay Thompson明夏將成自由球員 Steve Kerr:勇士會盡全力留下他

金洲勇士得分後衛Klay Thompson的4年6890萬合同將於明年夏天屆滿,他將會是明年其中一位相當受注目的自由球員。
勇士教練Steve Kerr日前作客950 AM KJR Seattle Sports Radio電台節目,並談到了Klay Thompson:"我覺得Klay是那種整個生涯都穿一件球衣的球員之一,你可以說並沒有很多這樣的球員 - Kobe、Dirk就是。”

引用“I think Klay’s one of those guys, who, he belongs in one jersey his entire career,” Kerr said. “There aren’t that many players you can say that about — Kobe (Bryant), Dirk (Nowitzki), whoever.”
“很少有球員能做到。Reggie Miller、John Stockton都做到了。我很希望看到Klay Thompson整個職業生涯都是勇士球員。那看上去不錯,但誰知道呢?
引用“Very few guys end up doing that,” Kerr continued. “Reggie Miller, I think, did it. John Stockton. I would love nothing more than to see Klay Thompson as a Warrior his entire career. It just seems right, but who knows?”
引用“We’re going to do everything we can to keep him. We want him. We love him. And I know he enjoys playing in the Bay and playing with his teammates. So, he’ll be a free agent next summer and we’ll try to get it done.”

Klay Thompson新賽季的合同價值約為1890萬美金。

( source: https://957thegame.radio.com/articles/steve-kerr-klay-thompson-he-belongs-one-jersey-his-entire-career)
