Jamal Crawford : 合適與否會是考慮下家時的優先條件 希望能夠再打2、3年

雖然想簽下他的球隊不在少數,但是Jamal Crawford至今仍然是一名自由球員。這位38歲的得分後衛去季在木狼展示出了不錯的競技狀態,整季出戰了80場比賽,場均仍然能以41.5%的命中率貢獻10.3分。
賽季結束後Jamal Crawford拒絕了450萬的球員選項。他日前接受Seattle Times記者Percy Allen訪問時表示,他理想中的下家首要條件是合適:“合適與否是我在考慮下一站時的優先條件,也是最重要的。去年我犯上了錯誤,在做決定時沒有考慮到適合與否的問題。”


引用The three-time Sixth Man of the Year is an unrestricted free agent, which he said is equally worrisome and exciting…

“Fit is first and foremost when I’m thinking about where I’ll play next,” said Crawford, who wants to play another 2-3 years. “Last year, I may have made the mistake of not thinking fit all the way through.

“You look at my career, when the fit was right, I contributed on the court. … I know people that care for me want me to win (an NBA title), but I don’t know if my career will be defined by that.”
有傳勇士、火箭、76人等季後賽球隊都有意簽下Jamal Crawford。

(source: https://nba.nbcsports.com/2018/08/18/what-is-jamal-crawford-looking-for-in-a-new-home-fit/)
