Kobe Bryant: Lonzo Ball會在Rajon Rondo身上學到很多東西

在得到Lebron James後湖人繼續嘗試完善陣容,包括以一份價值一年900萬的合同簽下了Rajon Rondo。Kobe Bryant認為,Rajon Rondo的加入將會讓Lonzo Ball獲益不少。


“I think there is a lot to be learned from. Rondo is a student of the game. How he studies the game, I think that’s something that Lonzo can learn from. Rondo will sit there and watch film for hours and hours and hours, and dissect and pick things apart to the smallest of details, and I think it’s important for Lonzo to see that.

“Also, how he facilitates the game, how he reads things happening before they actually happen. How he can manipulate the defense to make things happen. And also defensively, he gets after it. So I think it’s great.”
網站湖人社區指出,如果新球季Lonzo Ball仍然受到傷患困擾的話,Rondo的存在將會讓湖人持續保有季後賽實力。希望兩人能一直保持健康,也許明年Lonzo Ball會成長得更快。

(source: https://www.silverscreenandroll.com/2018/8/26/17783614/la-lakers-news-kobe-bryant-lonzo-ball-rajon-rondo)
