騎士總經理: J.R. Smith沒有因為2016年的那份長約而保持動力

2016年10月,騎士和J.R. Smith達成了一份4年5700萬的合同。前騎士總經理David Griffin近日接受訪問時表示,J.R.沒有因為這份合同而保持動力。
David Griffin接受了《Wine and Gold Podcast》的訪問,他認為J.R.的這份合同不是一份好合同: "我想因為他拿到了一份有保障的長約,相比以前一年一簽合同的時候他沒有保持動力。當他一年簽一份合同的時侯他打的很棒。

引用“I think the fact that he got guaranteed money moving forward really made it so he was less likely to keep himself in shape than when he was going year to year,” Griffin said on the Wine and Gold Podcast. “There was a reason he was so good on a year-to-year contract. So, I think to some degree, he shows up out of shape and then he gets injured getting himself in shape. I think he’s still capable of playing high-level basketball. But he hasn’t been motivated to be that since he signed the deal, so you would have to say in that situation, the deal wasn’t the right deal, because it didn’t bring out the best in J.R.”
2018/19賽季,J.R. Smith的年薪將會是1472萬美元;至於2019-20賽季則為1568萬美元,而當中387萬美元為保障金額。他去季常規賽共出場80次,場均得到8.3分、2.9籃板和1.8助攻,投籃命中率40.3%,三分命中率37.5%。但是季後賽他的投籃命中率和三分命中率下降至34.8%和36.7%。

(source: http://amicohoops.net/griffin-claims-smith-hasnt-been-motivated-to-stay-in-shape/)
