球探曝Gregg Popovich難以被偵察 戰術數量是亞歷山大圖書館的級別

作為NBA史上最出色的教練,Gregg Popovich千變萬化的精秒戰術一直是馬刺賴以成功的招牌。The Athletic記者Ethan Strauss在一篇他親自撰寫關於NBA球探的文章時指出,Gregg Popovich是最難被球探觀察的教練之一。

Ethan Strauss的文章中紀錄了一名西部球探的經歷: "像Popovich這種例子不多,他的戰術個數是亞歷山大圖書館級別(曾是世界上最大的圖書館。)他有時可能喊了一個戰術,我需要去翻一下筆記本。然後發現這個戰術上一次使用的時間已經是八年前了,但仍然還是一樣的術語,一樣的手勢,一樣的戰術“'。

Ethan Strauss也表示,Popovich可能不曾透露,但是他的戰術手冊裡可能包含了數以千計的戰術設計,這是他在馬刺待了20年後所累積下來的成果。

引用"That's not so much the case with Popovich, whose play-calling archives are on a Library of Alexandria level. 'Pop might call a play and I'll go through my notes and see that the last time he called it was eight years ago,' says a West scout. 'But it will be the same term, same hand signal, same play.' The notoriously clandestine Popovich would likely never reveal its contents, but his playbook must contain thousands of well-archived designs, accumulated through over two decades of Spurs stewardship."


引用"Popovich is also known for having used one of the more ridiculous looking hand signals for a play called 'Shake.' When signaling the call, Pop looked like he was pantomiming an onanistic act. Then again, that's up for interpretation. 'You could say he was shaking up some dice with that hand,' an East scout mused."

(source: https://www.businessinsider.com/gregg-popovich-spurs-playbook-old-2018-9?utm_source=reddit.com)
