Ben Simmons: 很可惜新賽季和Lebron James交手的場次變少 東岸四支球隊會是76人的主要競爭對手

Lebron James夏天宣佈加盟湖人,可以預見的是,東岸新賽季的競爭將會變得非常激烈。76人小前鋒Ben Simmons認為,新賽季無法更多地和Lebron James對陣是個遺憾。
去季76人和騎士在常規賽相遇四次,雙方各贏兩場,Ben Simmons在這四場比賽場均貢獻17.3分、8.3助攻、9.5籃板。“很差勁因為我不能像上賽季那樣跟他交手很多次了。”Ben Simmons在接受Omnisport訪問時表示。

引用"It sucks that I'm not going to be able to play him as many times," Simmons told Omnisport.

"不過我將會前往洛杉磯,在Staples Center挑戰LeBron,這會很美妙。當然他也會作客費城,我想那會是一場重要的比賽,那將會很有趣。"
引用"At the same time, I'll be able to go to LA and play at Staples (Center) against LeBron, which would be fantastic.

"Obviously he'll be able to come to Philly. I know that's going to be a huge game. It's going to be a lot of fun."

引用"I know Boston (Celtics), there's Toronto (Raptors), (Washington) Wizards and Miami (Heat) who are those teams in the competition right now.

"It's going to be really exciting to see those guys this season and have a good, competitive game. It's going to be a great competition."

