對隊友不滿? John Wall: 球隊有些球員在擔心出手權

巫師今日在客場以112:116不敵國王,吞下兩連敗,主將John Wall賽後接受訪問時明顯對球隊的表現非常不滿。
The Athletic記者Fred Katz在Twitter上引述了John Wall的原話:"我們有些球員在擔心誰拿到出手權,你永遠都不應該去擔心這個。無論你投丟或者投進,你都需要在防守端競爭。如果你不能在攻防兩端都拼盡全力,那麼你沒必要上場打球了。”

引用We’ve got guys that’s worried about who’s getting shot...You should never worry about that. No matter if you’re missing or making shots, you gotta be able to compete on the other end. You can’t do it on both ends of the floor, you don’t need to be playing."
John Wall今天打了37分鐘,20投9中,交出26分,8助攻,3抄截的數據。巫師另一名核心Bradley Beal也表達了對球隊狀況的憂慮:"我們現在糟透了,我們沒有在攻防兩端做到應該要做的事,在我們做到之前我們還會繼續輸下去。"Bradley Beal今日出戰了39分鐘,19投6中拿到21分,5籃板。

引用“We suck right now, that’s all it is,” Beal told reporters. “We aren’t doing anything we’re supposed to do on the floor - on offense or defense. Until we do that, we’re going to continue to lose, unfortunately.”

(source: https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/kings/john-wall-bradley-beal-sound-after-kings-hand-wizards-another-loss)
