全場被噓? Gordon Hayward: 這只是比賽的一部份 對爵士只有愛

塞爾特人今日在客場以115:123不敵爵士。對於Gordon Hayward而言,這場比賽他的心情肯定非常複雜,整場比賽每當他觸球,或者評述員讀出他的名字,甚至他出現在大螢幕上,現場的爵士球迷都會送上陣陣噓聲。全場比賽Gordon Hayward打了26分鐘,9投3中,拿到13分、7助攻。

Gordon Hayward賽後接受訪問時表示: "這很有趣,很開心看到那些進場的球迷,還有場館周圍的人、球員和職員。我希望我們能贏下這場比賽,但是很開心可以看到大家。我說過很多次,對於爵士以及爵士的球迷我只有愛,祝願他們一切都好。"

引用“It was fun,” said Hayward, who ended with 13 points and seven assists on 3-for-9 shooting in 25 minutes. “It was good to see just the people walking in, see some of the people around the arena, the staff over there and some of the players. I wish we would’ve won the game but it was good to see everybody.”

然而有進場的爵士球迷甚至穿上了一件用Coward代替Hayward印字的球衣,談到爵士主場球迷送上的各種噓聲,Gordon Hayward表示: "我早預料到會有這個情況出現,這只是比賽的一部份,那些噓聲只是比賽的一部份。"

引用“I kind of expected some of that,” Hayward said of the fan treatment. “It’s part of the game and I think that they were booing me from the get go so it’s part of the game.”
Gordon Hayward也表示,賽後他跟好朋友Joe Ingles見過面,也和爵士老板Gail Miller以及球隊制服組打了招呼。

(source: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900041409/gordon-hayward-mercilessly-booed-in-return-to-utah-as-jazz-cruise-to-win-over-boston-celtics.html)
