火箭和總經理Daryl Morey續下一份五年的新約

多家外媒報導,休士頓火箭已經正式和他們的總經理(General Manager)Daryl Morey續下一份五年的新合約。
Yahoo Sport記者Kurt Helin引用了Houston Chronicle隨隊記者Jonathan Feigen的報導,指出火箭老闆Tilman Fertitta對Daryl Morey的工作相當滿意,因而奉上一份五年的新合約。

Daryl Morey在訪問中談到續約時表示他非常高興: “我願意一輩子都留在火箭,這肯定會讓我們之間變得更加密切和團結。我很感謝Tilman Fertitta對我們團隊的信任。也是因為我們的團隊,現在的一切才可以得到實現。包括Mike D’Antoni教練,球隊的副總裁Keith Jones以及Gersson Rosas,訓練師Jason Biles,副總經理Monte McNair,Eli Witus和Jimmy Paulis等等。


引用“I’m super happy,” Morey said. “I’d love to be with the Rockets for life. This obviously solidifies us for a little while. I’m just really thankful to Tilman Fertitta for having the faith in our team. And really, it is about us having a team of people that makes this all work; Coach (Mike) D’Antoni, (vice president) Keith Jones, (vice president) Gersson Rosas, (trainer) Jason Biles, (assistant general manager) Monte McNair, (assistant general manager) Eli Witus, (assistant general manager, Vipers GM) Jimmy Paulis.

“We have too many people to mention, but I’m only as good as the people behind me.”

去年Daryl Morey曾經和76人高層有過會面,當時費城球隊正在招募GM,不過之後Daryl Morey仍然決定留在休斯頓。


(source: https://sports.yahoo.com/report-daryl-morey-signs-five-173104718.html)
