支持兩位同胞 約2000名斯洛文尼亞球迷到場觀看熱火和獨行俠的比賽

今日熱火在主場以105:99撃敗到訪的獨行俠。本場比賽除了是Dwyane Wade和Dirk Nowitzki的最後一戰外,同時也是Luka Doncic和Goran Dragic兩位斯洛文尼亞球員的內戰。
值得一提的是,今天有大約2000名斯洛文尼亞球迷來到美國航空球場觀看這場比賽。每當Luka Doncic或者Goran Dragic觸球或者得分,這些斯洛文尼亞球迷都會送上歡呼和掌聲。

Goran Dragic今天首發出戰38分鐘,17投9中拿下全場最高的23分,另外進帳11助攻和12籃板,拿下職業生涯第二個三雙。賽後Goran Dragic接受訪問被問到家鄉球迷的到訪,他表示: "我真的很感謝他們買機票飛到這裡來看我。我總是覺得自己應該要為球迷送上精彩的表演,熱火的球迷也是,這是我的工作。這場比賽對他們來說很特別,因為我的對手是Luka。”

引用“I really appreciate them for flying here and buying plane tickets to come see me,” Dragic said. “I always feel like I have to put on a show even for my fans in Miami, that is my job. This game was something special for them because I was playing against Luka.”

另一邊箱的Luka Doncic今天的手感相當一般,他首發上場31分鐘,18中6拿下19分、8籃板、7助攻。賽後他表示今天有點緊張: “說實在的,這是我生涯裡頭一次在比賽前覺得緊張。這場比賽對我而言不一樣,但是這是特別的一晚。很多球迷在,很多斯洛文尼亞的同鄉在,這也是我第一次對上Goran,這很不一樣。"

引用“Honestly, for the first time in my career, I was nervous before the game,” Doncic admitted. “It was different for me, but it was a special night. There were a lot of people here, a lot of Slovenians and having to play against Goran for the first time, it was different.”
完場後Luka Doncic和Goran Dragic也互相交換了球衣。
