撞Enes Kanter受傷左肩惹質疑?! 金塊主帥指Nikola Jokic並無惡意


比賽中出現了一個具爭議性的鏡頭,金塊中鋒Nikola Jokic在一次罰球卡位中撞和拓荒者Enes Kanter受傷的左肩。賽後非常憤怒的Enes Kanter更在Twitters上發文,並@了NBA官方裁判帳號要求他們看一看這個鏡頭。loading
拓荒者主帥Terry Stotts也在接受訪問時指出這是個犯規,更表示Nikola Jokic的動作毫沒必要。
而金塊教練Michael Malone今日受訪時表示了對Terry Stotts觀點的不認同: "這是正常的動作。我認為Terry的想法是錯的。我個人認為這是沒有惡意的。就像前兩場比賽他們的掩護一樣,Kanter也打到了Torrey Craig - 我想這也是沒有惡意的。這是季后賽,我們是成年人了,上場好好打比賽吧,”

"我認識Nikola Jokic四年了。他沒有那種性格,更沒有那種基因,他不會走上場然後試圖做非籃球動作去傷害任何人,或者去做一些事情觸碰體育精神的界限甚至做任何超出體育精神的事情,所以我絕對不同意Terry的評論。"

引用“Normal play,” Malone said. “I think Terry is off base there. Personally, I don’t think it was anything malicious. Just like some of their screens in the first two games, I don’t think there was anything malicious to it — with Kanter getting tossed into Torrey Craig. This is the playoffs. We’re all big boys, let’s go out and play the game accordingly.

“I have known Nikola Jokic for four years,” Malone said. “He doesn’t have that kind of personality, he doesn’t have that DNA gene where he’s going to go out there and make nonbasketball plays and try to hurt anybody or do anything that is beyond the limits of what is sportsmanship and what is not sportsmanship. So I would definitely not agree with Terry’s assessment.”

Enes Kanter在Game 3賽後表示自己的左肩在比賽中脱臼,傷勢進一步加劇,他目前未知能否出戰第四戰的比賽。兩隊的Game 4將會在明天上演,主場的一方仍然是拓荒者。

(source: https://www.sporterx.com/2019/05/04/blazers-coach-jokic-elbow-to-kanter-uncalled-for/)
