Jimmy Butler: 給了Ben Simmons一些建議 他要打得更具侵略性

Jimmy Butler本場打得非常出色,他全場出戰40分鐘,18投9中拿下29分、11籃板、4助攻。相比之下,Ben Simmons今天則有點游離於進攻之外,他上陣38分鐘,10次出手命中5個,貢獻10分、5籃板、4助攻。

Jimmy Butler賽後表示,他給了Ben Simmons一些建議,想讓他打得更具侵略性:“我告訴他(Simmons),每次落陣地都要進攻。"



"I told him (Simmons) - every time down the floor to attack," Butler, who led the 76ers with 29 points and 11 rebounds, said postgame.

"Every single time. If coach calls the play and you feel like you got the mismatch, by all means attack. And then if coach says 'Why'd you do it?' I promise you I will say 'I told him to do it'.

"I want Ben to be aggressive just like I want Jo (Embiid) to be aggressive. Attack. We're not gonna win without you guys. You have to be ready to attack it at any point in time.

"If he has the ball in transition, (I'm like) 'Ben, don't pass the ball in transition. Attack every single time'. That's how we're gonna win this game."

雖然進攻端有些乏力,但是事實上Ben Simmons在防守端投入了大量精力,他一直死守著Kawhi Leonard。76人替補前鋒James Ennis也讚賞了Ben Simmons的努力:"他的防守很強硬,他給了Kawhi一個很棒的挑戰。Ben會找回他的節奏的,下一場他會強勢回歸。"

引用"He played hard defense, he gave Kawhi a good challenge.
"Kawhi's a top-five player in the NBA (and) he doesn't miss often. Since Ben's been on him, he's been making Kawhi work a lot. Ben's going to find his rhythm. Next game you'll see Ben come in to his own."

