洛城市長表示LA現在是快艇的城市 希望LeBron James留在湖人

TMZ Sport日前在街頭採訪到了洛衫磯市長Eric Garcetti。
眾所週知Eric Garcetti是一名湖人死忠粉絲,最近有傳湖人老闆暨總裁Jeanie Buss有意交易LeBron James,Eric Garcetti指出這是艱難的一年,但是他希望LeBron留下來:"LeBron剛剛經歷了這個賽季,我們需要讓事情穩定下來,確保我們接下來會有很好的3年、4年、5年甚至6年。我想在拿到更多榮譽前LeBron還不能退役,而那些榮譽必須是紫金色的。"

引用“LeBron just went through it,” Garcetti said. “But we gotta stabilize things and make sure that he can still have three, four, five, six good years. He can’t retire without some more crowns, and those crowns should be with Laker gold and purple.”
Eric Garcetti接著也承認,現在LA是快艇的城市了:"現在這是快艇的城市了。但我由始至終都會是個湖人球迷,但是我愛快艇,我也不討厭他們,我只是一直忠於湖人。”

引用“Right now, it’s a Clippers town,” Garcetti said. “I’m Lakers ’til the day I die. But I love [the] Clippers, I don’t hate them. I’m just always Lakers.”

(source: https://www.tmz.com/2019/05/09/mayor-eric-garcetti-los-angeles-lakers-clippers-town/)
