Reggie Miller認為馬刺應該在Kawhi Leonard結束職業生涯後退役他的球衣

帶領速龍殺入總冠賽並離冠軍只有一步之遙,無論結果如何Kawhi Leonard都肯定會成為加拿大國民公認的英雄。
在馬刺效力了7個球季,為球隊帶來一座冠軍,曾經被稱為少主,但是Kawhi Leonard離開馬刺的方式卻有點令人意想不到。日前NBA名宿兼TNT解說員Reggie Miller在作客"The Dan Patrick Show"時表示,在Kawhi Leonard退役後馬刺應該退役他的球衣:

“我知道多倫多會這樣做。當Kawhi Leonard宣佈退役,聖安東尼奧會退役他的球衣嗎?他的球衣會掛在多倫多和聖城兩座球館的上空嗎?”


Kawhi Leonard確實為馬刺帶來了五座冠軍中的其中一座。我相信這兩個城市都應該退役他的球衣號碼。因為當Kawhi Leonard結束職業生涯時,我們會把他看待為史上最佳球員之一。"
Does San Antonio and I know Toronto is going to, do they retire, when it's all said and done, do they retire Kawhi's number? Does his number hang from the rafters both in San Antonio and Toronto?

The only reason I ask that is how he left there. Will there be water under the bridges?

You did deliver us one of our five championships. I believe he should have his number retired in both (cities), when it's all said and done, because we will consider him one of the all-time greats.

今個球季速龍作客馬刺時Kawhi Leonard收到現場不少噓聲,不過看得出來他和Gregg Popovich、馬刺教練組和球員仍然有很不錯的關係。

大家認為當Kawhi Leonard退役時馬刺會退役的他的球衣號碼嗎?
