Iso Joe表態:仍然希望回到NBA打球

由Ice-Cube和Jeff Kwatinetz舉辦的Big 3聯賽進行得有聲有色,由Joe Johnson和Al Jefferson帶領的球隊Triplets連戰連捷,開季以來一直佔據著榜首席位。
狀態保持得不錯的Joe Johnson仍然有機會重返NBA嗎?近來他接受Sports Illustrated記者Rohan Nadkarni採訪 時表示仍然有意回到NBA:"我會想要回到NBA打球,但這不是我的終極目標,這也不是我來參加BIG3聯賽的目標。但是如果有機會出現的話,我會願意迎接挑戰,我很樂意。”


引用"I’d love to get back and play in the NBA. It’s not my ultimate goal, it wasn’t my goal getting into the BIG3. But if the opportunity presents itself, I would take upon the challenge. I would love to," Johnson told Sports Illustrated's Rohan Nadkarni.

"But, I got a job to do, and my agent has a job to do," he added. "I’m not sure about the momentum or how it’s going, but I just focus on what I can do and what I can control."


