Kemba Walker: 塞爾特人有很多球員分擔進攻任務 情況與夏洛特不一樣

在夏洛特的8年職業生涯當中,Kemba Walker只曾兩次進入季後賽,很多球迷都認為球隊沒有為Kemba Walker帶來足夠的幫手。
加盟塞爾特人後Kemba Walker將會和年輕新星Jaylen Brown和Jayson Tatum並肩作戰,身邊也有全明星Gordon Hayward等隊友。

近日Kemba Walker接受訪問時表示,來到波士頓後他的角色和夏洛特不一樣了:“我的角色改變了,我對此很期待。這是一種很新鮮的體驗,我不需要再去背負著一重的責任。我在夏洛特的每個晚上都必須拿出完美的表現。我必須在進攻端打出一場高水準的比賽,如果我做不到的話球隊就會很難贏下比賽。就像我說的,我現在的隊友可以在進攻端拿分,這將會與以前不一樣。”

引用“[My role] does [need to change], and I’m looking forward to it,” Walker said on the latest Celtics Talk Podcast. “It’s something new. It’s not as big of a burden, I feel like, on my back. It’s like, I had to be perfect every night in Charlotte. Had to be. I had to have a great game, offensively, if not, it will be a struggle for us to win. Like I said, with the personnel, we have on this team and the way these guys can score, it’ll be different.”

