曝雷霆對Steve Adams的交易要價太高 感興趣的球隊不多

據外媒Heavy記者Sean Deveney報導,雷霆正計劃交易走隊中中鋒Steve Adams。
在把去年的雙巨頭Paul George和Russell Westbrook分別交易到快艇和火箭後,雷霆新賽季將踏入重建。他們的制服組希望能夠讓Steve Adams交易離隊。這位新西蘭中鋒未來兩年的薪水為$53,370,787美金。

Sean Deveney指出,根據消息人士透露,雷霆準備透過Steve Adams的交易清理薪資空間,同時他們希望可以在交易中獲得一些選秀權和年輕球員。

但是Sean Deveney引述一位聯盟高管指出,雷霆對Steve Adams的要價太高 :“他們要求的報價太高。隨著賽季的進行,他們的要價會降低下來。實在很難放棄球員和選秀權而去接手他的合同(2年5300萬美元)。大部分球隊目前在中鋒位置上的輪換已經基本確定。當你的球隊已經確立了大個子和搭配好的小個子陣容。你沒辦法去接手那樣的合同,願意接手他的球隊並不多。”
引用“They set the price too high,” one league executive said. “That’s what you’d expect and maybe it will drop as the year goes on. It’s tough to take on his contract (two years, $53 million remaining) and give up picks and players. Most teams are pretty well set at the center spot now, you have a big guy and you have your small lineup. You can’t just take on a contract like that. There isn’t a big number of teams who could take him.”

(source: https://clutchpoints.com/thunder-news-rival-exec-claims-okcs-asking-price-for-steven-adams-was-too-high/
