紐約人主帥指將會給予Julius Randle進攻主導權:希望他展現領導能力

據SNY記者Ian Begley報導,新賽季紐約人主帥David Fizdale打算給球隊新援Julius Randle更多的進攻主導權:“我將會讓他來處理擋拆,我會讓他去設置擋拆。他也會在低位發起單打,而我也會為他設置掩護。像他這樣擁有天賦的球員,我希望讓他在場上動起來,在比賽的不同部份運用他的技術。”

引用"I'm gonna have him handling pick-and-roll. I'm gonna have him setting pick-and-rolls. He'll post and (isolate) and I'll run pindowns for him, cross-screens and pindowns. For a guy like that with that kind of talent I wanna move him around and utilize the skillset from different parts of the floor," Fizdale said Wednesday.
David Fizdale希望能夠讓Julius Randle作為控球前鋒來處理球權,在拿到籃板後持球推進:“我認為他是一名被低估的傳球手。我在研究他的錄像時發現他做了很多事情來幫助他的隊友,打出一些不錯的表現。他明白我給他的挑戰是展現領導力,防守和讓隊友變得更好。”

引用"I think he's an underrated passer. I'm going back through his film now and he does a lot of stuff to help his teammates and he makes good plays," Fizdale said. "He understands the challenge I'm putting to him is leadership, defense and making his teammates better."
Julius Randle是紐約人今年夏天最大手筆的引援,預計他將會和中鋒Mitchell Robinson搭檔首發內線。

不過事實上紐約人新賽季的首發5人組是處於開放競爭狀態。David Fizdale指出,今季他們將會更多地展示出多樣化的進攻手段: " 更多的掩護和橫向掩護,不同的動態跑位。因為我們現在有了不同類型的球員。我希望所有球員都感覺自已參與到了進攻當中。"

引用"More screen-aways, more cross-screens, different motion movements, because, again, we got a lot of different pieces now," Fizdale said. "I want everyone to feel actively involved in the offense."

(source: https://www.sny.tv/knicks/news/knicks-plan-to-capitalize-on-julius-randles-versatility/311021876)
