Sky Sports專訪全文翻譯:「TAA親自解畫,高普如何拆解阿仙奴的鑽石型中場」




Sky Sports:「當領隊高普說他對阿仙奴的排陣感到驚訝時,這有影響你們臨場的戰術安排嗎?因為你們的壓逼線非常之高,你甚至在阿仙奴龍門球時逼近蒙利爾(註:蒙利爾於該場比賽出阿仙奴左閘)。那是看到阿仙奴的正選陣容後臨時作出的改動嗎?還是這是你們從一開始就有這戰術部署?」


Sky Sports:「上半場,你們有非常多的傳中機會,但蘇卡迪斯和大衛雷斯基本上掌控了禁區的制空權,有效地克制了你們的傳中。到下半場的時候,你們的傳中球路出現了變化,更多地嘗試地面球和短傳,最後成功製造了第二個入球。你有曾經覺得『我們的傳中需要作出改變』嗎?」



TAA: "(Arsenal) gone with a different system. They were really narrow, allowing me and Robo (Andy Robertson) a lot of space on the sides, especially in the 1st half. So we had a lot of freedom, we were able to cross the ball as much as possible. It was good for us to be able to try and put balls in, and then obviously late on the half we got the first goal. And then come out strong in the 2nd.”

Sky: “Trent, when the manager said he was surprised with the setup, how much did it actually change what goes on in the team from an hour before the game? Coz you were so high pressing, you were almost pressing Monreal from the goal kicks. Is that something that you changed an hour before the game from what you’ve worked on all week? Or was that always the plan?”

TAA: “That was always the plan. It was more… we prepared them to play 4-4-2, but probably with more wingers than midfielders tucking in. For goal kicks it was always gonna be me and Robo pressing the full backs, and the 8s probably dropping a little bit deeper, so they couldn’t play out. We’ve seen they really want to play out as much as possible, and not want to kick it long, with the ball high up (the pitch). It was always going to be me and him, but more so offensively we had to adapt. We had to realise the switch (from flank to flank) was gonna be a lot of that, that was the way we were gonna break them down. I think if you look (back), especially in the 1st half, more so than the 2nd, we were switching the ball really well and creating a lot of space on the side.”

Sky: “You’ve had loads of crosses in the 1st half, at times Sokratis and Luiz dealt really well with it. 2nd half it felt like you were just trying to play little balls in, (and) you got the success with the second goal. Did you almost feel like ‘we’re gonna maybe change that’?”

TAA: “Yeah, I think they probably setup knowing that we were gonna cross it (and) they were ready. Whereas other teams we try to create a yard and then probably surprise them with a quick ball across the front. But they were prepared in our ways of crosses, they almost invited us to cross the ball. The gaffer said to us at half time that if we can get a runner down the side, then it will drag the centre half out. I think if you look especially at the goal straight after half time, you (can) see Hendo (Jordan Henderson) takes the runner away, and I’m able to play into Bobby (Roberto Firmino), and he’s able to set into Mo (Salah), and we got the pen. I think he was in (on goal) no matter what anyway. But, yeah, that was the idea, to drag the centre half out and not allow them to just stay in the middle and head the ball away.”


