Derek Fisher 宣佈:我將征戰我的第18個賽季,也是我的最後一個賽季。

雷霆日前與老將 Derek Fisher 簽訂了一份為期一年價值140萬美元的老將底薪合同,其後 Fisher 在其個人網站發表了一篇聲明:









I am excited to announce that today I signed on to play my 18th season, my final season, with the Oklahoma City Thunder.

I have thought about this decision for some time and I cannot think of a better way to end my playing career than playing for one of the best franchises in the league today, led by one of the smartest and brightest GMs, a great coaching staff, and teammates that have become like family.

As I wrap up my on court career, I want to thank everyone that has been a part of my journey. My family and friends, the fans, every teammate, each opponent, even the people that had doubt in me; you made me a better player, a determined champion, a stronger man, and helped me to live out my childhood dream.

I have been blessed to do what I love so much, and as I step into this final season I will cherish every game, every cheer, every boo, every whistle, every win. I have loved this time in my life and I am humbled to have shared it with so many of you.

God bless you all!

July 24, 2013
Los Angeles, CA 

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