Mike D'Antoni:僅擔保 Steve Nash 與 Pau Gasol 擔當球隊先發

Dave McMenamin
Mike D'Antoni said that with Kobe out, all of the Lakers starting positions are up for grabs at camp except for Nash at PG and Pau at C

洛杉磯湖人專欄作家 Dave McMenamin 在他的 Twitter 上發佈帖文,指現湖人主教練 Mike D'Antoni 表示在 Kobe Bryant 缺席的情況下,僅擔保 Steve Nash 與 Pau Gasol 擔當球隊先發。

Steve Blake, Eric Boateng, Kobe Bryant, Jordan Farmar, Dan Gadzuric, Pau Gasol, Elias Harris, Xavier Henry, Jordan Hill, Wesley Johnson, Darius Johnson-Odom, Chris Kaman, Ryan Kelly, Marcus Landry, Jodie Meeks, Steve Nash, Robert Sacre, Shawne Williams, Nick Young

D'Antoni 的發言應即暗示,他會根據訓練營的表現確立其餘的先發位置。

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