同志出櫃 父母入櫃

文章首次刊出日期: 2013.9.29





同志主動向父母come out總離不開一個簡單原因:希望跟父母分享自己一個很重要的部份,拆毀存在兩者之間一道又高又厚的鐵牆,讓自己不用在父母面前努力扮「直」,父母也不用日夜猜測自己是不是「攣」。

如果我見到趙世曾,我會送他一隻光碟《為巴比祈禱》(Prayers for Bobby)。電影以真人真事改編,講述一位虔誠基督徒母親不接受自己兒子的性傾向,千方百計要他「拗直」,直到兒子自殺身亡後才醒覺愛應該不分攣直,雖然恨錯難返,但她從此踏上同志運動,協助父母接受同志子女。

今年4月8日復活節,我的父親因病去逝,他在彌留之際特意問我哥哥大曹我可有伴侶,於是,我帶了跟我一起生活了十年的男友見他。父親舉起了拇指,用微弱的聲線說了一句「好靚仔」。 其實我知道他看不清楚, 因為我倆都戴了口罩,只是他仍想表達最後的祝福。我想絕大多數的父母都希望自己的兒女有人在旁相伴扶持,說到底,究竟對方是男是女已經不太重要了。

Gigi Chao BBC interview 中英對照

GC: We just thought it was a bit of fun, it was a joke or something like that. And um, I wasn’t angry or anything and then … As time went on he kept drilling and going on about how serious this offer actually is and soon I realized it’s really his expression of love, of fatherly love, for this whole situation.


BBC: We have pictures with us that you’ve sent us of your church blessing in France. Can you tell us a little bit about the story of your relationship with Sean ?


GC: Yes, well, I met Sean about 8 to 9 years ago. She was a client of mine, and soon we got to know each other and clicked and took it from there. And soon … because Sean herself is a very family-centred person, she and her family enjoy a very close relationship … (with her parents and siblings), soon she decided that it was only good if we went in a church and put a ring on it. So, at first she tried to do it as a surprise. And then her friends started telling her, ‘Well what if Gigi just says no?’ So, rather last minute, it was, I think, a few days before our trip to Paris, she told me basically that we were going to do this in this church in Paris. And so off we went, and the whole trip to Paris was really a bit surreal because I was really not expecting it. It was unexpected and out of the ordinary really.


BBC: But you do consider yourself married?


GC: I don’t think I’m at a privilege to give you a straight answer ... It’s just ... my father’s fervently denied this statement and it would be inappropriate for me to just outright contradict him.

BBC: Is it hurtful though that your father doesn’t recognize this relationship which is clearly a loving one?
(不過你父親拒絕承認這段顯然恩愛的關係, 對你有造成傷害嗎?)

GC: Yes, well, Lucy, I don’t think it’s hurtful as much ... It’s certainly a bit quite hurtful for Sean. But in reality my father and I, we also enjoy a very close relationship. I talk to him on a daily basis. In reality, he knows me and he knows I’m in a relationship with Sean. It’s just that he thinks that within Chinese society it’s not appropriate and it’s not beneficial to my social standing if this was recognized as a public announcement.
(有的,但我不覺得對我的傷害 ...... 的確對Sean而言是會造成一定程度的傷害。但實際上我跟父親關係也很密切,我每天都和他談話。其實他是了解我的,也明白我跟Sean的關係。只不過他認為在中國社會裡這段關係是不恰當的,而承認我所作的公開聲明亦對我的社會地位毫無益處。)

BBC: It’s a huge amount of money though, 65 milion dollars. Are you saying it’s a waste of time for men to apply to your father?

GC: No, honestly I don’t think it’s a waste of time if my father certainly thinks it’s worth the money. And he thinks that as a matter of social standing … ‘My baby daughter need[s] to get married with a man’ and what you do inside the closet is another matter.
(不,如果我父親認為這種錢值得花的話,我衷心的不覺得這是浪費時間。他覺得這樣是跟社會地位有關的 ..... 「我的寶貝女兒必須和男人結婚」,在櫃裡做什麼是另一回事。)

BBC: And very briefly do you know if he’s had many offers?

GC: I don’t know about him but I’ve had 1,500 Facebook requests, Twitter followers, Google followers, Youtube followers. And, um, about a hundred, two hundred email marriage proposals. I think on his side he’s got about a hundred as well.

Transcribed and translated by Sherlock Lam ([email protected]), who takes responsibility only for mistakes in language. Original source from BBC website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19742278).


標籤: 出櫃  同志  趙世曾  趙式芝  楊如芯