如果你的兒子喜歡穿裙子,作為爸爸的你會怎樣做? — <The Lgiht>MV

兒子喜歡穿裙子,但遭同學歧視,老師和媽媽也堅決反對。兒子因此而憂憂不歡,那作為爸爸的你會怎樣做?HollySiz為歌曲<The Light>製作了一支MV,爸爸最後選擇穿著媽媽的碎布花裙,站在校門口等兒子放學。堅定的身軀和眼神無懼旁人的嘲笑,就像燈塔一樣,引領失去自信的、迷路的兒子,返回航道。

<The Light>
Let the light come through us
Let’s believe in ourselves
Let’s believe in something
Let the lights come through us
Let’s believe in ourselves
Let’s blow the dust on shelves

Let the shout-outs locked up in our mouth

Let us go
Let us grow
Let’s believe we can change
Let’s believe in ourselves

Let us go
Let us grow
Let’s believe we can change
Let’s blow the dust on shelves

Let the shout-outs locked up in our mouth

Let’s believe in our minds

Let’s believe we will let the shout-outs locked up in our mouth
Let the shout-outs locked up in our mouth
