FF完畢!?《Sky Sports》與德媒唱反調:「杜曹首選仍屬拜仁,如教英超寧選車路士」

唔知大家有冇睇過一張圖,係關於各大傳媒嘅足球轉會消息可信度,其中德國嘅《Kicker》(踢球者) 排名都幾高,基本上都唔會吹水作新聞,《Kicker》早前就報導過,話收到可靠消息,相信前多蒙特主教練杜曹 (Thomas Tuchel) 已經拒絕德甲班霸拜仁慕尼黑嘅邀請,原因係佢將會接替雲加,成為阿仙奴新任領隊,消息一出,一眾阿仙奴球迷都甚為期待。


不過,與此同時,另一家德國傳媒《Sport Bild》(體育圖片報) 就認為杜曹下家將會係法甲班霸巴黎聖日耳門。

拜仁慕尼黑今季中途邀請老帥希歷基斯 (Jupp Heynckes) 出山暫掌帥印,但球隊喺來季一定會另覓人選,其中前多蒙特主教練杜曹都係熱門候選人之一,呢位44歲主帥喺2017年5月30日被球隊辭退,此後一直賦閒,如果按《Kicker》報導,佢真係拒絕拜仁而選擇阿仙奴的話,都幾匪夷所思。

另一方面,正當大部分有不俗公信力嘅德國傳媒都有共識相信杜曹已經拒絕拜仁之際,英國權威傳媒《Sky Sports》仍然報導反駁,指杜曹首選仍然係拜仁,而且佢並冇意思接手執教阿仙奴。

《Sky Sports》記者Rob Dorsett喺報導中引述消息,指阿仙奴方面並冇同杜曹或佢嘅代表接觸,而即使杜曹決定轉戰英超,佢嘅首選會係車路士,原因係佢認為藍軍管理架構較為適合自己。最近,杜曹曾經拒絕修咸頓邀請,其後修咸頓先聘請曉士為新任領隊。Rob Dorsett指,如杜曹未能得到拜仁帥位,亦會考慮挑戰英超,但佢只會接手一支佢心目中嘅歐洲勁旅及擁有歐洲賽資格嘅球隊。


引用Reports in Germany suggest that Tuchel has rejected Bayern, and is instead ready to replace Wenger at Arsenal but, according to Sky sources, that is not the case.

There has so far been no contact between Tuchel's representatives and Arsenal.

It's also thought Stamford Bridge may be a preferred destination for him rather than the Emirates, because he thinks the structure of the football administration at Chelsea would suit him better.

Tuchel turned down the opportunity to talk to Southampton before they appointed Mark Hughes a fortnight ago.

It is understood that if he does not get the Bayern job, he is open to the idea of a move to the Premier League, but he would only be prepared to take on a club that he feels is in Europe's elite, and preferably one playing European football.

Source: Sky SportsKickerSport Bild
