2011 國家地理雜誌攝影競賽 作品欣賞

國家地理雜誌以精采的地理、人物攝影聞名,而每年精采絕倫的「國家地理雜誌攝影競賽」總能夠吸引全世界的攝影好手參與。而去年2010年共收到來自130個國家,16000張攝影作品,共分為自然、人物 和 地景三大類型,截止日期為11月30日,有興趣的朋友千萬別錯過了。


1. [黃石公園] Photo and caption by Anita Erdmann/Nature @ 美國 黃石公園
2. [面對] Photo and caption by David Litchfield/Nature
3. [雲] Photo and caption by Dmitry Gorilovskiy/Nature # @ 南非, Western Cape, Aquila Safari park
4. [血與骨頭] Photo and caption by Amirhassan Farokhpour/Nature # @加拿大 多倫多
5. [夕陽] Photo and caption by Magdalena Rakita/Nature # @ 智利,Salar de Atacama
6. [魟魚] Photo and caption by Gazzaroli Claudio/Nature # @加勒比海
7. [父母之愛] Photo and caption by Claus Possberg # @南極洲 威德爾海域
8. [冬之棒棒糖] Photo and caption by Matas Juras/Nature# @考納斯 立陶宛
9. [野性狂亂] Photo and caption by Samantha Gargour/Nature # @ 肯亞 Masai Mara, Kenya
10. [早安] Photo and caption by Paula Durham/Nature # @ 南非
11. [懺悔者] Photo and caption by Salvatore Picciuto/People # @義大利
12. [青年之日] Photo and caption by Ronnie Dankelman/People # @喀麥隆
13. [WRESTLER的手] Photo and caption by Stephanie Zollshan/People
14. [TERENCE STAMP] Photo and caption by Betina La Plante/People
15. [紐澳良街車] Photo and caption by Don Chamblee/Places # @ 美國 紐奧良Louisiana
16. [前進聖殿] Photo and caption by Lars Tiemann/Places # @美國 內華達州
17. [落葉知秋] Photo and caption by Mandy Michels/Places # @比利時
18. [金門大橋] Photo and caption by Reuben Cornel/Places # @美國 舊金山
19. [雲間垂釣] Photo and caption by Sungjin Kim/Places # @ 韓國
20. [藍色潟湖] Photo and caption by Maroesjka Lavigne/Places # @冰島
21. [時間] Photo and caption by Simon Belham/Places # @英國

