
Drik Nowitzki舉辦個人第一場網球名人賽,記者會上接受知名體育節目採訪,媒體問他如果將來退役喜歡什麼樣的方式來引退?Kobe或者Duncan?

Drik Nowitzki是回答 : 「你們知道,我喜歡Kobe引退的方式,老天呀!單場60分的紀錄耶!看看那場比賽,整個第四節大家都坐不住了,這只有在Kobe的場子才辦得到;但我的性格比較安靜不需太多鎂光燈焦點,比較接近像Duncan那樣的球員,也許我會選擇辦個小小的引退記者走Duncan路線。不過我沒認真想過退休這件事情,退休總有一天會到來,好好把握當下,享受剩下的籃球生涯才是最重要的!」

引用Dirk Nowitzki: You know, I loved the way Kobe went out ... with a 60-point game? That's so Kobe like. The whole arena was standing up the whole fourth quarter. So much fun to watch. But I'm more like a Duncan guy. More a quiet guy. I don't need the limelight as much. Maybe not quite the just e-mail, Hey, by the way Tim Duncan is retiring. I thought that was a little low profile. Maybe there's a little press conference or something. I don't know, I don't really want to think about it because I know it's gonna come up soon anyway. I'm just gonna enjoy the last couple of years.

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