35歲仍然發揮出色 Andre Iguodala分享自己的養生秘訣

帶著2:0的優勢,勇士眾將今日坐上飛機前往休斯頓準備Game 3。

季後賽進行至今,勇士的35歲老將Andre Iguodala場均上陣27.6分鐘,貢獻11.3分、4.3助攻、4.0籃板、投籃命中率55.6%,三分命中率37.9%。
能在這樣的年紀保持如此高效率的表現,他的秘訣到底是什麼? nbcbayarea昨天在訪問中問到了Andre Iguodala這個問題,他也分享了自己的一些日常做法: "說實話這只是個人意見,就是要有很好的基因。獲得好基因的同時也要保護自己的基因。"



引用"Honestly, this is just a personal opinion, just got really good genes," the 2015 NBA Finals MVP told reporters after Golden State's Game 2 win over Houston. "Got really good genes, but protecting the genes at the same time.
"Watching what you put in the body. Sleep. I drink a lot of water. I don't drink anything but water -- played a big role. I have philosophies on what the body needs and it's helping me.

"That's just my personal thing."


(source: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/sports/csn/warriors/Warriors_vet_Andre_Iguodala_reveals_some_secrets_for_staying_explosive_BAY-509345272.html)
