Bob Myers曾告訴受傷的Klay Thompson在罰球結束後站在原地 爭勝本能卻讓他回防後場

Klay Thompson在總決賽第六場中受傷,在之後他被證實為遭遇十字韌帶撕裂。
當地時間週四勇士總經理Bob Myers接受了95.7電台的採訪,他提到了當時的情況:"我們在球員通道被拉住了,有人告訴我們如果他不投那兩記​​罰球的話,他接下來的比賽中就不能回歸了。當時Klay甚至沒有任何猶豫,他直接回到場上。"

引用"Somebody went out and grabbed us in the tunnel and said, 'If he doesn't shoot these free throws, he can't come back,' Warriors GM Bob Myers explained Thursday on 95.7 The Game. "And Klay didn't even wait for an answer. He just walked back on the court.
引用"And I grabbed him and I said, 'Listen, man. If you're gonna shoot these free throws...' -- because we didn't know what it was at that time, we had no idea, he hadn't been examined -- and I said, 'We don't know what this is, shoot the free throws, don't move. Just shoot the free throws and stay there.'

“Klay答應我說,'Ok,好我知道了。'但他罰完球後卻開始跑回後場回防了,我說,'你在幹什麼阿?' 或許是我的錯,我當時相信他了。

引用"[Klay said] 'OK, all right. I got it.' [He] shoots the free throws and starts running back (laughter). I said, 'What are you doing?' Maybe that's my own fault for trusting.

"But that's the competitor in the guy."

其後DeMarcus Cousins的一次犯規後, Klay Thompson終於回更衣室了,然而進去之前他仍然在和訓練師爭論,希望能留在場上。

