Steve Kerr談Draymond Green : 我們會繼續向彼此咆吼 沒有他勇士會陷入困境

經歷了五年的合作,Steve Kerr和Draymond Green彼此之間已經都非常熟悉。很多人都知道Draymond Green的脾氣相當火爆,除了Stephen Curry之外他幾乎和勇士的骨幹成員包括教練和球員都有過爭吵的新聞。今年年中Steve Kerr在接受訪問時承認,這些年來他和Draymond Green有過大大小小的爭論。在爭論過後,雙方還是會尊重彼此並找到解決方法。而事實上他們在私底上是非常好的朋友,前日Steve Kerr和其他勇士球員以及管理層出席了Draymond Green密歇根州立大學23號球衣的退役儀式。
近日Steve Kerr接受了NBC Sports Bay Area播客節目"Runnin' Plays" 的訪問,在當中他談及了Draymond Green:"Draymond從來沒有改變過,他會繼續對我咆吼,我也會繼續對他咆吼。這是最好的方式,他提供了這支球隊所需要的銳利。沒有Draymond我們會有麻煩。我們會太安靜、太友好。”

引用"Draymond -- don't ever change. Keep yelling at me, I'm gonna keep yelling at you," he said. "It's the best. He provides the edge that this team needs. Without Draymond, we'd be in trouble. We would be too quiet, and too nice."
“我們具備同樣的競爭性,我們也同樣會爆發。我們其中一個會爆發 - 可能他會被吹一個技術犯規,可能我會弄斷戰術板,這是我們建立的東西,對我們而言意味著很多。”

引用"We are equally as competitive and we are equally as likely to blow up," Kerr explained. "Either one of us will snap -- he'll get a "T" (technical foul), I'll break a clipboard. It's just the way we're built. That's how much it means to us
“我的家庭曾經有個故事:我六歲那年,我們在我表哥的房子裡尋找復活節彩蛋。他們找到了全部彩蛋,並且還有一個大金蛋,那是個大獎 。我沒有找到,當我看到其他人找到的時候,我輸了。我徹底輸了,哭了。我可憐的爸爸媽媽非常尷尬。”

引用"My family would tell you a story -- when I was about six years old, we had an Easter egg hunt at my cousin's house. They had all the eggs laid out and they had one big golden egg that was the big prize. I didn't find it, and when I saw somebody else found it ... I lost it. I completely lost it -- crying. My poor mom and dad, they were so embarrassed.

引用"And this kind of stuff used to happen all the time. If I didn't do well in sports ... pitching, if I gave up a hit, I'd throw my glove on the ground. I would snap.

"That's how Draymond is, right? We bonded over our ability to snap."

