Steve Kerr: Stephen Curry恢復基礎訓練 一月或隨隊前往客場之旅

勇士控衛Stephen Curry的左手傷勢恢復順利,他將會一月和球隊一同前往客場之旅。

據San Francisco Chronicle記者Connor Letourneau報導,勇士主帥Steve Kerr在接受時談到了Stephen Curry的近況:“我們希望讓他盡可能和球隊待在一起,我還沒有與他聊過下一個客場之旅的事情,但是我很確定他會更多的與球隊待在一起,他已經得到了我們 (醫療)團隊的許可。”


引用“We’d like to have him with the team as much as possible,” head coach Steve Kerr said. “I haven’t talked to him about our next trip, but I’m sure he’ll be around the team more and more now that he’s allowed to be up here with our staff.

“He’s been here now the last few days, every day, working with our training staff. He’s present again, so I imagine that will stay the same.”
Stephen Curry在11月初接受了左手掌骨骨折修復手術,他當時預計需要休息三個月。在過去幾個星期Stephen Curry在洛衫磯再度接受手術移除鋼針。Connor Letourneau指出,三月份可能是Stephen Curry最有可能復出的時間。

Steve Kerr表示:“他一直在進行一些籃球活動。他還沒有開始進行投籃訓練,但是他可以在場上進行一些橫向移動,彈跳等等的訓練。有他在球館很棒,有他在身邊讓我們感覺很好。”
引用“He’s been doing basketball movements,” Kerr said. “He hasn’t been shooting the ball, but he’s been out on the floor doing a lot of lateral movement, jumping, that kind of stuff. And it’s nice to have him in the gym; it just feels better when he’s around.”

