勇士目前或不打算為Dragan Bender提供第二份10天合同

勇士昨日在客場以116:110擊敗金塊,較早前和勇士簽下10天合同的前鋒Dragan Bender表現不俗,他替補出戰23分鐘,9投5中,交出14分、5籃板、2助攻。
昨日勇士主帥Steve Kerr在賽後訪問中稱讚了Dragan Bender的表現,“我真的很喜歡Dragan,我認為他有很大的潛力,我們會看看接下來會發生什麼。如果可以的話我願意再給他下一份10天合同,我們需要和球隊討論並找到解決辦法的。”


引用“I really like Dragan,” head coach Steve Kerr said. “I think he’s got a lot of potential. We’ll see what happens. I’d love to give him another 10 days, if possible. But we’ll figure that out as an organization going forward.”

“He’s got a lot of potential,” Kerr said. “Obviously fourth pick in the draft, there’s a reason for that. He’s shown in the 10 days if you give him a little confidence, you give him a chance to play and gain some confidence, he can do a lot of good things out there.”
不過根據The Athletic記者Anthony Slater的報導,勇士目前似乎不打算和Dragan Bender達成第二份10天合同。聯盟球隊一個賽季最多能為一名球員提供兩份10天合同,之後要再留下他的話需要和球員簽約至季尾。

在第一份10天合同期間,Dragan Bender出戰6場比賽,場均上陣23.3分鐘,貢獻7.5分、6.3籃板。

