AC米蘭確定共有13將歸屬 買斷小法老+葡萄牙新星

6月22日,係義大利球隊共有球員歸屬確定既最後截止期,各支球隊均根據下賽季既陣容需要,對共有球員採取了買斷、出讓或者續簽共有合同等不同既策略。根據AC米蘭官方網站既最新消息,紅黑軍團買斷了艾沙羅爾等3名球員,買斷既3名球員包括本土前鋒艾沙羅爾、葡萄牙後腰貝利-高美斯(Pelè Tuncara Gomes)以及本土前鋒奇內拉托(Matteo Chinellato)。
出讓既球員中包括德國國青隊新星美亞基爾等4將,而上賽季U19聯賽最佳射手科米(Gianmario Comi)等6名球員既共有合同得到延長。

MILAN - The official site of the Lega Calcio is giving live updates on the co-ownership deals that need to be resolved by the end of today, Friday 22nd June, at 7pm CET.

As far as Milan are concerned the following co-ownership deals have all been renewed. Giacomo Beretta will remain half way between Genoa and the rossoneri for another year, Gianmario Comi between Milan and Torino, Wilfred Osuji between Padova and Milan, Simone Romagnoli between Pescara and Milan, Simone Verdi between Torino and Milan, Mattia Valoti will stay with the rossoneri but is also co-owned by Albinoleffe.

The following co-ownership deals have all been ended.
In favour of Milan - Matteo Chinellato, Stephan El Shaarawy, Pelè Tuncara Gomes.

In favour of Genoa - Alexander Merkel, Mario Sampirisi e Nicola Pasini.

In favour of Palermo - Matteo Darmian.
