(官方)阿仙奴官方宣佈雲加續約至2017 英媒:年薪高達800萬
順利續約後,雲加表示:「我希望留低,繼續提升呢支球隊乃至整個球會,我地正迎來鼓舞人心既時期,球隊擁有強大既陣容,球會財政穩定,更擁有全世界眾多球迷既支持。我們決心令球會迎接更煇煌既成就。球會始終信任我,我亦對此心懷感激。我地共同經歷過起起落落,但始終能夠團結一致。每次呢種團結遭遇考驗時,我總能夠俾出正確既回應,咁或者就係對於阿仙奴忠誠掛,希望我地能夠締造更多歷史,我相信我地能夠做到。」“The club has always shown faith in me and I'm very grateful for that. We have gone through fantastic periods and also periods where we have had to stick together. Every time when that togetherness was tested I got the right response. I think I have shown some loyalty as well towards this club and hopefully we can make some more history. I am sure we can.”阿仙奴主席表示:「好開心雲加同球會續約3年,佢係我地既核心,為阿仙奴而生存。佢為阿仙奴創造出令人激動既進攻型打法,令球隊係世界聞名,佢將繼續致力於提拔年輕球員,亦擁有吸引頂級球員加盟既能力。我認為係佢既率領下,阿仙奴將擁有更加輝煌既未來。」“We are delighted that Arsène has renewed his contract for a further three years. He is a man of principle, who lives and breathes Arsenal. He has established Arsenal for its exciting playing style around the world, continues his commitment to young players and has the ability to bring top-class players to the club. I have no doubt we have an exciting future ahead of us with him leading the team.”
阿仙奴大股東表示:「持續保持高水準係體育世界最難達到既高度,而雲加執教期間,阿仙奴始終係英超及歐洲保持著較強既競爭力,充分顯現出佢既能力、天賦以及雄心。好開心今季佢能夠率隊捧起足總杯,係佢率領下,相信阿仙奴未來幾年將贏得更多獎盃。」“Sustained excellence is the hardest thing to achieve in sport and the fact Arsenal has competed at the top of the game in England and Europe throughout the time Arsène has been manager, is the ultimate testimony to his consistency of performance, talent and ambition. We are delighted with the FA Cup success which has added to his already outstanding record. Under his guidance we look forward to adding more trophies in future seasons.”
順利續約後,雲加表示:「我希望留低,繼續提升呢支球隊乃至整個球會,我地正迎來鼓舞人心既時期,球隊擁有強大既陣容,球會財政穩定,更擁有全世界眾多球迷既支持。我們決心令球會迎接更煇煌既成就。球會始終信任我,我亦對此心懷感激。我地共同經歷過起起落落,但始終能夠團結一致。每次呢種團結遭遇考驗時,我總能夠俾出正確既回應,咁或者就係對於阿仙奴忠誠掛,希望我地能夠締造更多歷史,我相信我地能夠做到。」“The club has always shown faith in me and I'm very grateful for that. We have gone through fantastic periods and also periods where we have had to stick together. Every time when that togetherness was tested I got the right response. I think I have shown some loyalty as well towards this club and hopefully we can make some more history. I am sure we can.”阿仙奴主席表示:「好開心雲加同球會續約3年,佢係我地既核心,為阿仙奴而生存。佢為阿仙奴創造出令人激動既進攻型打法,令球隊係世界聞名,佢將繼續致力於提拔年輕球員,亦擁有吸引頂級球員加盟既能力。我認為係佢既率領下,阿仙奴將擁有更加輝煌既未來。」“We are delighted that Arsène has renewed his contract for a further three years. He is a man of principle, who lives and breathes Arsenal. He has established Arsenal for its exciting playing style around the world, continues his commitment to young players and has the ability to bring top-class players to the club. I have no doubt we have an exciting future ahead of us with him leading the team.”
阿仙奴大股東表示:「持續保持高水準係體育世界最難達到既高度,而雲加執教期間,阿仙奴始終係英超及歐洲保持著較強既競爭力,充分顯現出佢既能力、天賦以及雄心。好開心今季佢能夠率隊捧起足總杯,係佢率領下,相信阿仙奴未來幾年將贏得更多獎盃。」“Sustained excellence is the hardest thing to achieve in sport and the fact Arsenal has competed at the top of the game in England and Europe throughout the time Arsène has been manager, is the ultimate testimony to his consistency of performance, talent and ambition. We are delighted with the FA Cup success which has added to his already outstanding record. Under his guidance we look forward to adding more trophies in future seasons.”