Rodman不滿輪休風氣,遭Steve Kerr取笑:Dennis一季都被禁賽15場了

最近,公牛王朝其中一位主力兼名人堂成員Dennis Rodman公開談論NBA近年的輪休風氣,特別說到認為LeBron James不如Michael Jordan強悍,而勇士主教練Steve Kerr被問到對此的看法。

勇士今年也曾因為球星輪休而受到爭議,主教練Steve Kerr當年曾經與Dennis Rodman一同效力公牛,對於老隊友的看法顯而不同意,還拿他開了個小玩笑。

「看到Dennis Rodman對此投訴,令我覺得很好笑。因為我在想,Dennis每季都會被禁賽15場,他當然有足夠的休息吧。他會去Las Vegas,或者去看摔角。只要他想,他就隨時休息,所以他不能投訴。」

("I saw Dennis Rodman was complaining about it, and I got a good kick out of that," Kerr told reporters Wednesday, "cause I thought, well Dennis was suspended for 15 games a year anyway, he got plenty of rest. Or Vegas, or he went to Wrestlemania. He just took a night off whenever he wanted, so he can't complain.")

Dennis Rodman在NBA征戰過14個球季,的確曾經在1987-88至1991-92這四個球季中打滿82場比賽,但之後再沒有這個紀錄。雖然Steve Kerr的說話沒有實質數據支持,但在公牛三連霸 (1995-96至1997-98) 期間,Rodman合共缺陣了47場常規賽,而這47場即平均每季15.7場,剛好接近Steve Kerr所說的數字。

Source: thescorereddit
