Isaiah Thomas親筆長文訴說離隊感言:「我愛上了波士頓」

前塞爾特人控衛Isaiah Thomas早前被交易到騎士,換取Kyrie Irving,很多球迷對於塞軍把這名強忍喪妹之痛為球隊奮戰的球星送走感到不忿,認為塞軍總經理Danny Ainge實在太冷酷無情。

最近,Isaiah Thomas終於公開回應了被交易一事,他除了在Instagram上表示自己將會繼續奮戰,亦在《The Players Tribune》上發表了一篇長文《給波士頓的信》,讀到妹妹的部份,綠粉可能要哭了。(足本原文

在信中,IT談到了在度假慶祝結婚周年紀念期間,收到Danny Ainge的電話,突然知道自己已經被交易,感到手足無惜。他告訴兩名年幼的兒子後,大兒子表示:「LeBron!LeBron James!你要和LeBron James一起打球了。」小兒子則對離開波士頓這個城市感到難過,而他自己的感覺同樣是對於將要與LeBron James一起挑戰總冠軍感到興奮,但同時對於離開波士頓感到難過。




引用But yeah, I’ll just say it: That shit hurt. It hurt a lot.

And I won’t lie — it still hurts.

It’s not that I don’t understand it. Of course I get it: This is a business. Danny is a businessman, and he made a business move. I don’t agree with it, just personally, and I don’t think the Boston Celtics got better by making this trade. But that’s not my job. That’s Danny’s. And it’s a tough job, and he’s been really good at it. But at the end of the day, these deals just come down to one thing: business. So it’s no hard feelings on that end. I’m a grown man, and I know what I got into when I joined this league — and so far it’s been more blessings than curses. I’m not sitting here, writing this, because I feel I was wronged. I wasn’t wronged. It was Boston’s right to trade me.

他又希望自己的故事可以告誡人們,再次遇到Kevin Durant之類的轉隊事件的時候,需要明白,聯盟就是一盤生意,忠誠的可能被交易,自由離隊的也不是壞人,聯盟就是這樣運作的。




引用And so when I say this hurts, man — just know that it isn’t because of anything anyone else did. It’s only because of something I did.

I fell in love with Boston.



「這就是我為甚麼可以在我的妹妹 (Chyna) 離開後,仍然在對公牛的季後賽Game 1上場的原因。」





引用And when I arrived at the arena that night, after Chyna had passed — I was thinking, O.K., I just need that to happen. I need this court to be my shield tonight, I need this court to help me forget. But when I got out there? Man, it’s one of those things … I can’t even describe it. The applause that I got, I can still hear it. People had these signs they made, and I can still see them: THIS IS FOR CHYNA. WE <3 ISAIAH. That sort of thing. Then they did a moment of silence, the whole arena, in Chyna’s honor. And it was like … man. I just realized, in that moment, that I didn’t need the court to shield me. I didn’t need to block it all out, and pretend I wasn’t grieving. I didn’t have to be alone in this. The whole arena was right there with me. Honestly, it felt like the whole city of Boston was with me.

And at that point, you know, I think it just kind of hit me, like — of course I’ve gotta play. First of all, I’m going to do it for Chyna, and for my family. But then I’m also going to do it for my city. ’Cause what they’re showing me right now, is all I needed tonight: to know I’m not alone. They’re showing me that they’re going through the same thing I’m going through right now. They’re showing me that I’m one of them, and that we’re in this together. So let’s be in this together.

And for two and a half years, man, we were.



引用Of course, being on the team the East runs through now … I won’t lie, it’s some mixed emotions. Because that was our goal in Boston for so long — get through the Cavs, and win the East. And I know that’s still Boston’s goal. But now, it’s like, I’m the one who has to stop them from reaching it. And that’s tough. Because come playoff time, if and when we have to face the Celtics … I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. But that won’t just be “the team I used to be on.” That’s my old team. The elite offense, the 30-some national TV games, the becoming a place where free agents want to come and play — I feel like I helped build that. I helped create that.

And come playoffs, all of a sudden, it’ll be like, O.K., now destroy it.

It’s sad, man. It’s just sad.

But I didn’t come to Cleveland to lose.

足本原文:The Players Tribune

